어제 보낸 메일링리스트 답장이 왔습니다. Sun Microsystems에서 근무하시는 분이십니다. Aaron Houston 님.
그래서 답장 보냈습니다. ㅎㅎ 먼저 한글로 쓰고 번역기 돌렸습니다. 머릿속에 있는 ^^;
답신 내용은 이렇습니다.
기대하지 못했던 답장입니다.
이번 컨퍼런스는 한국 개발자들의 축제입니다. 5월에 열리는 자바원 2008이 전세계 자바인의 축제인 것처럼요.
양수열 님은 2006년에 옥상훈 님에게 회장자리를 물려주었고, 2008년에는 최상훈 님으로 이어받게 됩니다.
조인영 에반젤리트께서 갑자기 아프다는 연락이 와서 이번에 참석을 못하게 됩니다.
그분의 쾌유를 빕니다.
한국에서는 엔터프라이즈 프로그래밍 언어로 자바가 주류입니다.
가끔씩 한국의 자바 커뮤니티 소식을 메일링리스트를 통해서 전달하겠습니다.
아래가 진짜...
Thank you, Aaron Houston.
I'm appreciate for your reply that I unexpected.
This conference is a big festival for Korean Java Programmers, such as JavaOne 2008 in May for the World Java Programmers.
Mr. Sooyeol Yang passed Chairmanship to Mr. Sanghoon Ok in 2006, And Mr. Sanghoon Choi, who is vice chairman now will be the next in this year.
Unhappily, Evangelist Inyoung Cho's abrupt sickness make her absence this time.
She was expected to open a new java trend session.
I wish her getting well ASAP.
In Korea, many enterprise software projects are based in java technology.
So we train java programmers more and more.
Maybe it's almost 100,000 java programmers in Korea.
Now, I was encouraged for your reply.
So, I'll send Korean java community news occasionally.
I've subscribed this mailing list over 3 years. Just reading.
Kenu, Heo
-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron.Houston@Sun.COM [mailto:Aaron.Houston@Sun.COM]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 1:28 AM
To: jug-leaders@jugs.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: [jug-leaders] 9th Korea Java Conference will be open this Saturday.
Hello Kenu Heo...
And WELCOME to the JUG Leaders mailing list... Give my respects to your
Chairman: Mr. Sooyeol Yang. Good Luck on your Conference this weekend!
The Java Community Organization (JCO) is a very large JUG from Korea.
Our Evangelists Inyoung Cho and Sang Shin visit there often. They have a membership of over 8000 Java Developers....
Again....Welcome Aboard...Nice to have a representative from your community on this list.
Aaron Houston
Program Coordinator
Java User Groups
Java Champions
Technology Outreach
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Menlo Park, Ca
허광남 wrote:
> Hi. Jug-leaders
> I’m Kenu Heo
> I live in South Korea. Owner of JSP/Servlet Community Site,
> www.okjsp.pe.kr <http://www.okjsp.pe.kr> ,
> JCO(www.jco.or.kr <http://www.jco.or.kr>) member site
> This Saturday 16^th , Feb. We will open 9^th Korea Java Conference
> “Enjoy Java! Change the World”
> Site: http://www.jco.or.kr/conference/conferenceInfo9th.jsp
> (sorry for all Korean Languange)
> It’s free enterence, conference book will be sold in about $10 optionally.
> We have 2 keynotes, and 30 sessions.
> Until yesterday evening, about 4,500 korean java developers registered.
> Many vendors sponsor this conference.
> Let’s Enjoy Java! Change the World.
> From South Korea
> Kenu, Heo
> 82-11-9595-2045
> www.okjsp.pe.kr <http://www.okjsp.pe.kr>
영어로 호들갑 떨고 있는 제 자신이 아직 어리게 느껴집니다. ^^; 환갑이 23년 남은 사람이 철없긴...